Houston Business Mentors

Healthy, Sustainable, Impactful.

Come face-to-face with Houston business mentors, focusing on business owners and executives who need strong accountability and growth plans. Through our Mentorship Program, we help business owners and executives reach their goals and achieve their dreams.

Do I Qualify?

If you are a business owner or an executive seeking a mentor program, then yes, you qualify. We work with individuals in any industry at every level.

How is Chill Qualified to Help Me?

Simply put, we own multiple successful businesses and are executives, founders and stakeholders in each of them. In fact, in many of them we perform day-to-day tasks. Our experience is broad. We bring many different approaches and perspectives to our clients.

Houston Business Mentors

Healthy, Sustainable, Impactful.

Come face-to-face with Houston business mentors, focusing on business owners and executives who need strong accountability and growth plans. Through our Mentorship Program, we help business owners and executives reach their goals and achieve their dreams.

Do I Qualify?

If you are a business owner or an executive seeking a mentor program, then yes, you qualify. We work with individuals in any industry at every level.

How is Chill Qualified to Help Me?

Simply put, we own multiple successful businesses and are executives, founders and stakeholders in each of them. In fact, in many of them we perform day-to-day tasks. Our experience is broad. We bring many different approaches and perspectives to our clients.

Need More
Guidance and Accountability?

Rest assured, we’ve got you. Business Mentorship and Executive Mentorship to business owners and executives located in Houston is what we do. We understand all levels from SUPER early growth to full ownership and multiple partnerships.

We have created this service to focus on aggressive direction and sales penetration. Maybe you’ve already read all the business books you can handle and taken all the advice you could take from other business owners, but you’d still just like to have a quality audit service at your disposal.

Let’s face it, sticking to a comprehensive plan is hard work. Life happens and problems arise in your operations that might distract you from your goals. This is especially true when operating in multiple industries, as new opportunities can crop up everyday. The hard part is, knowing which opportunities to invest in and staying focused on the big picture — your ultimate goals.

Seeing this happen time and time again to the entrepreneurs around us, we decided to become mentors, focusing on business owners and executives. Consult Chill is here as a mentor and resource, to walk hand-in-hand with you as we identify opportunities, craft strategies and tactics to help you stay on course.

How Does This Work?

We Give You Guidance. You Execute.

Looking at successful entrepreneurs can be deceiving. Oftentimes, we can look at them and think they got lucky or inherited some fortune that allows them to live a certain lifestyle. Contrary to this, for many business owners it’s actually the opposite.

If you’re thinking your dreams aren’t possible, or they’re too big to even get started, think again. We are living proof that these things are possible, and you can do whatever you set your mind to. Now, we know this is the type of inspirational jargon you might see on the cover of a self-help book or an Instagram post, but how can you turn this jargon into a reality? People say these things for a reason, because clearly they’re true. But how can you turn them into your reality?

It’s simple, action. Stop letting your life pass you by. Pick up the phone, let’s get to know each other and let’s get started.

Still not convinced or just want to toss the idea out and hear it from us?

You Get What You Put In

Fill out the short form below and we'll get a introductory meeting set up. If you prefer, call or text instead (281) 705-4127.

Chill’s Mentor Program

This is not a consulting service. The Chill Mentor Program is aimed at assisting businesses and executives located in Houston, Texas. You can expect the following services:

  • Face to face scheduled meetings and phone calls
  • Time set aside for mentorship conversations to develop strategies and implementation practices to help you stay on track to achieving your goals
  • Mentorship in identifying new opportunities for growth
  • Mentorship in identifying new opportunities as an executive or new growth markets as a business owner
  • Mentorship in identifying existing pain points
  • Guidance and navigation as you come across new and challenging pain points
  • Financial mentorship
  • Cost of goods and profit margin analysis
  • Developing new strategies for process implementation in your daily operations
  • Mentorship in identifying new roles within your organization
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