Business Ideas, Your Seasoned Experts​

Practical and pragmatic steps to turn your ideas into a successful business.

Please feel free to reach out to us. We are seeking to connect with individuals or teams who have startup business ideas. One of our main goals is helping them create their business plan that, ultimately, launches their endeavors.

What Business or Startup Ideas Qualify?

Products, services, technologies, inventions. Virtually, all of them. If you have an idea and are looking for a confidential ear, we'd love to hear from you.

How Do I Know if I am Ready?

If you have a business or startup idea and you’re ready to work hard, then you’re ready.

Business Ideas, Your Seasoned Experts

Practical and pragmatic steps to turn your ideas into a successful business.

Please feel free to reach out to us. We are seeking to connect with individuals or teams who have startup business ideas. One of our main goals is helping them create their business plan that, ultimately, launches their endeavors.

What Business or Startup Ideas Qualify?

Products, services, technologies, inventions. Virtually, all of them. If you have an idea and are looking for a confidential ear, we'd love to hear from you.

How Do I Know if I am Ready?

If you have a business or startup idea and you’re ready to work hard, then you’re ready.

Do You Have a Business Idea?

This is a great place to start. You’re already on the right track!

We’re looking to identify and connect with people who have a small business or a startup idea. Why? Even though we already have businesses in operation, we still have business or startup ideas all the time (some better than others!) and we simply want to help you launch yours, or you help us launch ours.

Many people have business ideas, likewise many people would qualify for this service. Not everyone is in a position to launch a business right now. What are these things that are holding you back? Is it money, family, time? Something else?

Part of this service is to offer a preliminary business plan that includes how to prepare. If creating your business plan is step 1, let’s think of how to prepare as step 0. This might look like getting your finances in order, paying off debt, having conversations with your loved ones, getting a higher paying day job or picking up a second job. All of these rewarding, yet very challenging things, might need to happen first before you can create a business plan.

We know this first-hand, that’s why we want to offer steps on how to prepare your life for this new and exciting endeavor. If you’re having these thoughts, if you’re not sure you can start yet, give us a call and let’s discuss your situation. Chances are, you’re probably a lot closer than you realize. If you want it, you crave it and you want to eat and breathe your dream, then you can make it happen. We’ll help you along the way if you need it.

We’ll go more in depth on how to specifically prepare you by creating your business plan. Prepare to work! You wouldn’t be here reading our website if you weren’t ready to work or ready for the hustle and grind.

Starting the first business was, hands down, one of the hardest things we’ve ever done. It took a lot of willingness, sacrifice and determination. These are the things we’re going to prepare you for to get started on the most rewarding journey of your life.

All It Takes Is One.

Fill out the short form below and we'll get a introductory meeting set up. If you prefer, call or text instead (281) 705-4127.

Why This Service is Valuable

You might find yourself thinking, “This service seems too good to be true. Why would they offer this?” Well, much similar to you, we like to work, we like small businesses and we have business ideas of our own.

Before becoming business mentors in Houston, we noticed that Houston was lacking in these services. The only organizations that were offering anything close to these services for business startups were government agencies like the SBA.

When starting their first business, most people don’t want to go to a government agency. They don’t want to fill out a ton of paperwork. They just want to get started immediately and to talk to somebody real– somebody they can relate to, somebody who doesn’t feel corporate or intimidating.

If you have the idea and you don’t know where to start, start here. Start with us. Start by picking up the phone. Let’s get started today on creating your business plan.

How Does This Work?

Once we talk, we will start creating your business plan. You can expect the following services with creating your business plan:
  • Steps to prepare to launch a business or grow an existing business
  • How to do market research to identify price points, suppliers and competitor analysis
  • Step-by-step guidance and assistance with research and development
  • Refining prototypes
  • Financial guidance
  • How to find the capital needed to start your business
  • PR
  • Marketing and branding
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